'Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver example cnstr = "driver={SQL Server};server=myserver;" & _ "database=pubs;uid=sa;pwd=" cn.Connect = cnstr 'Microsoft Access ODBC Driver example (version 2.x) cnstr = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _ "Dbq=c:\program files\devstudio\vb\biblio.mdb;" & _ "Uid=Admin; Pwd=" cn.Connect = cnstr 'Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle example cnstr = "Driver={Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle};" & _ "Server=OracleServer.world; Uid=demo; Pwd=demo" ' Note that 1.0 version of the Microsoft Oracle driver used ' "ConnectString" notation instead of "Server"
NOTE: O nome do driver precisa estar entre {}, assim : “{SQL Server}”